API - Projects
API gateway
Required GET fields
token - Your API session token. Learn how to log in and obtain your session token
func - The API function you wish to call
For guidance on how to use the Boostramp API, refer to our API usage example article
1. getProject
get project data
- (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token.
- (GET) project_id (int, required): The ID of the project you want to retrieve information for (You can obtain the project ID by making a call to the 'listProjects' function or by finding it in the project details URL)
2. editProject
edit project settings
- (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token.
- (GET) project_id (int, required): The ID of the project you want to retrieve information for (You can obtain the project ID by making a call to the 'listProjects' function or by finding it in the project details URL)
- (POST) name (string, required): The new name of the project (1 to 100 characters)
- (POST) type (int, required): The project type (1 or 2)
- (POST) target (int, required): The project target (1 or 2)
- (POST) cms (int, required): The website content management system (CMS)
- (POST) keywords_region (int, required): The region for checking keyword positions
- (POST) keywords_region_name (string, required): The name of the region (1 to 255 characters)
- (POST) crawling_frequency (int, required): The crawling frequency (must be a positive integer)
- (POST) keywords_frequency (int, required): The keyword check frequency (must be a positive integer)
- (POST) backlinks_scan_frequency (int, required): The backlinks scan frequency (must be a positive integer)
- (POST) backlinks_monitoring_frequency (int, required): The backlinks monitoring frequency (must be a positive integer)
- (POST) monitoring_frequency (int, required): The website monitoring frequency (must be a positive integer)
- (POST) ownership (boolean, required): The ownership status (true or false)
- (POST) searcher (int, required): The Search Engine ID (must be a positive integer)
- (POST) device (int, required): The Device parameter (must be a positive integer)
3. addProject
create new project
- (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token.
- (POST) name (string, required): The new name of the project (1 to 100 characters)
- (POST) domain (string, required): Valid domain (without https://, https://, www)
- (POST) type (int, required): The project type (1 or 2)
- (POST) target (int, required): The project target (1 or 2)
- (POST) cms (int, required): The website content management system (CMS)
- (POST) keywords_region (int, required): The region for checking keyword positions
- (POST) keywords_region_name (string, required): The name of the region (1 to 255 characters)
4. listProjects
get a list of all projects in the account
Parameters- (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token
5. removeProject
delete project
- (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token.
- (GET) project_id (int, required): The ID of the project you want to retrieve information for (You can obtain the project ID by making a call to the 'listProjects' function or by finding it in the project details URL)
6. getSitemap
get project sitemap URL
- (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token.
- (GET) project_id (int, required): The ID of the project you want to retrieve information for (You can obtain the project ID by making a call to the 'listProjects' function or by finding it in the project details URL)
7. editSitemap
update website sitemap URL
- (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token.
- (GET) project_id (int, required): The ID of the project you want to retrieve information for (You can obtain the project ID by making a call to the 'listProjects' function or by finding it in the project details URL)
- (POST) url - (string, required) sitemap URL
8. removeSitemap
remove sitemap
- (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token.
- (GET) project_id (int, required): The ID of the project you want to retrieve information for (You can obtain the project ID by making a call to the 'listProjects' function or by finding it in the project details URL)
9. getOpportunitiesSummary
get a list of Growth Opportunities
- (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token.
- (GET) project_id (int, required): The ID of the project you want to retrieve information for (You can obtain the project ID by making a call to the 'listProjects' function or by finding it in the project details URL)
10. getTasksSummary
get a list of open technical tasks
- (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token.
- (GET) project_id (int, required): The ID of the project you want to retrieve information for (You can obtain the project ID by making a call to the 'listProjects' function or by finding it in the project details URL)
11. getProjectGscClicks
get traffic data summary (data from GSC)
- (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token.
- (GET) project_id (int, required): The ID of the project you want to retrieve information for (You can obtain the project ID by making a call to the 'listProjects' function or by finding it in the project details URL)
- (GET) date_start (date, optional): Report start date in Y-m-d format, default - 1 month ago
- (GET) date_end (date, optional): Report end date in Y-m-d format, default - today
12. getProjectGscPages
get top pages (data from GSC)
- (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token.
- (GET) project_id (int, required): The ID of the project you want to retrieve information for (You can obtain the project ID by making a call to the 'listProjects' function or by finding it in the project details URL)
- (GET) date_start (date, optional): Report start date in Y-m-d format, default - 1 month ago
- (GET) date_end (date, optional): Report end date in Y-m-d format, default - today
13. getProjectGscQueries
get top keywords (data from GSC)
- (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token.
- (GET) project_id (int, required): The ID of the project you want to retrieve information for (You can obtain the project ID by making a call to the 'listProjects' function or by finding it in the project details URL)
- (GET) date_start (date, optional): Report start date in Y-m-d format, default - 1 month ago
- (GET) date_end (date, optional): Report end date in Y-m-d format, default - today
14. getMonitoringStat
get website monitoring data
- (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token.
- (GET) project_id (int, required): The ID of the project you want to retrieve information for (You can obtain the project ID by making a call to the 'listProjects' function or by finding it in the project details URL)
15. getTotalMonitoringResults
website monitoring summary
- (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token.
- (GET) project_id (int, required): The ID of the project you want to retrieve information for (You can obtain the project ID by making a call to the 'listProjects' function or by finding it in the project details URL)
16. getProjectSummary
get project summary - number of backlinks, estimated traffic, and total ranking keywords
- (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token.
- (GET) project_id (int, required): The ID of the project you want to retrieve information for (You can obtain the project ID by making a call to the 'listProjects' function or by finding it in the project details URL)